Semantic Data Engineer (Research Ontologist), Novo Nordisk, Denmark
PhD in Computer Science, from Aalborg University, Denmark
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Kashif has a PhD in Computer Science with specialization in Graph Databases. He is currently working as a Research Ontologist at Novo Nordisk in Copenhagen, Denmark.
He received his PhD from the Department of Computer Science at Aalborg University, Denmark.
Previously, he received a Joint Master's Degree in Big Data Management and Analytics (BDMA) from ULB, Belgium; UPC, Spain; and TU-Berlin, Germany, in 2019. He has also served as a Data Engineer at everis Barcelona in the Semantic Business Unit (SEMBU). His research focuses on graph databases, knowledge graphs, query optimization, data modeling, databases, big data management, and analytics.
Abstract Cite Website PDF Publisher Version Presentation & Demo Video
Rabbani, Kashif; Lissandrini, Matteo; and Hose, Katja. SHACTOR: Improving the Quality of Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs with Validating Shapes. In Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Management of Data, (SIGMOD-Companion '23) June 18-23, 2023, Seattle, WA, USA.
Abstract Cite Website Extended Version Publisher Version
Rabbani, Kashif; Lissandrini, Matteo; and Hose, Katja. Extraction of Validating Shapes from very large Knowledge Graphs In Proceedings of the Very Large Databases 2023 (Volume 16), August 28 - Sept 02, 2023, Vancouver, Canada.
Abstract SWJ Publisher Version
Rabbani, Kashif; Lissandrini, Matteo; and Hose, Katja. SHACL and ShEx in the Wild: A Community Survey on Validating Shapes Generation and Adoption. In Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022 (WWW'22 Companion), April 25-29 2022. Lyon France.
Abstract Cite Website PDF Publisher Version
Rabbani, Kashif; Lissandrini, Matteo; and Hose, Katja. SHACL and ShEx in the Wild: A Community Survey on Validating Shapes Generation and Adoption. In Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022 (WWW'22 Companion), April 25-29 2022. Lyon France.
Abstract Cite Website PDF Publisher Version
Rabbani, Kashif; Lissandrini, Matteo; and Hose, Katja. Optimizing SPARQL Queries using Shape Statistics. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, EDBT 2021
Abstract Cite Website PDF Publisher Version
Nadal Francesch, Sergi, Kashif Rabbani, Óscar Romero Moral, and Shumet Tadesse Nigatu. "ODIN: A dataspace management system." In Proceedings of the ISWC 2019 Satellite Tracks (Posters & Demonstrations, Industry, and Outrageous Ideas): co-located with 18th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2019): Auckland, New Zealand, October 26-30, 2019, pp. 185-188. CEUR-WS. org, 2019
Abstract Cite PDF Publisher Version
Tadesse, Shumet, Cristina Gómez, Oscar Romero, Katja Hose, and Kashif Rabbani. "ARDI: Automatic Generation of RDFS Models from Heterogeneous Data Sources." In 2019 IEEE 23rd International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC), pp. 190-196. IEEE, 2019
Kashif's educational activities focus on supervising and assisting multiple groups of computer science and software engineering students at bachelors level in Aalborg University.
Teaching Assistant for Database Management System Course
Fall 2020, Fall 2021, and Fall 2022, BSc Software Engineering Course, Computer Science Department, Aalborg University.
Group Supervisor for 5th semster students working on Knox (Knowledge Engineering Toolbox) project
Fall 2020 and Fall 2021, BSc Software Engineering - Semester Project, Computer Science Department, Aalborg University.
Group Supervisor for final semester students working on analyzing large scale ships AIS data
Spring 2021, BSc Software Engineering - Bachelors Project, Computer Science Department, Aalborg University.
PhD Study Abroad Travel Grants 2023
Big Data Talent Awards 2019 (Runner-up)
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship
Gold Medal - Bachelors in Computer Science (BSCS)
Silver Medal - Bachelors in Computer Science (BSCS)
Open House Final Year Project Award (2nd Position)
Distributed GraphLab
Data Streams Mining
Metadata (Data about data)
Dark Silicon (Toward Dark Silicon in Servers)
Kashif has published a few applications on Apple App Store , and he is maintaining them as well.
Updated: December 2024